Right now I am sitting in a cafe in the Endicott academic center. Coincidentally, I am directly facing the stack of newspapers that are put out everyday for students and faculty to take. The newspapers are part of the Collegiate Readership Program and feature some big name metro papers like USA Today, The Boston Globe, and The New York Times.
It has been about 40 minutes. As I sit on this fancy laptop, people watching as flocks of students run in to grab a coffee before their next class, I can't help but notice that not one student has taken a newspaper. Interestingly enough, about four faculty members came and got one, some took one of each paper.
This right here is living proof that....wait.... a student just took one....
Anyways, its practically living proof that young adults don't have any interest in reading a newspaper. The last thing on their mind in the morning is sitting down to a nice cup of coffee and reading the top stories about the airports closing in Europe or the latest on the war in Iraq. To be honest, most of these students could care less. Maybe they will go online to the Globe and read the headlines, but it is highly doubted. Students want quick info, snippets, and if it sounds important, or of interest, then they will read further.
My guess is that most people in the younger generation get their news via twitter updates or from a link a friend posted on facebook. Maybe they will go to AOL or Yahoo for some human interest stories. The big question is, are students today savvy about what is going on in the world around them? If I were to randomly select one student in this cafe right now, would they be able to tell me about the debate on healthcare legislation? I'll admit, I'm a bit worried that if my generation doesn't care about the news now, will they ever?
Soon enough, I'm sure, a new outlet will be created to get the days top stories across to those who aren't your daily news readers. Soon, however, can not come soon enough.
Oh my Heidi-very interesting observations. What does this tell us about the future of an informed citizenship that can make good decisions about the future? Should I fear the future?