I am finding more and more people tell me there is no future for journalism. My philosophy is that although newspapers may be on the downfall, the need for good, news reporting journalists, isn't. As I continue my journey of learning all there is about journalism and technology, I will post here.


The Home Stretch

Exactly 12 days from now, I will no longer be a freshman in college. Thank goodness for that.

This past year at school has not been easy, but nevertheless, I made it through. I feel like getting through your freshman year is a certain milestone. It's your first try at being independent. No more mom or dad to get you whatever you need. You have to take everything you've learned over the past 18 years, and start over, on your own.

This year I have learned more about myself than ever before. Especially in regards to the future I want to make for myself, I have come to love journalism and all it has to offer. When I interview someone, I get this high, because I'm in control, it's my story and no one and bring it down. I love hearing what people have to say about a certain topic. I love hearing someone's story. It's just great. And if there is anything that I have taken out of my academics this year, it is the reassurance that this is what I am meant to do.

Whether or not I will have a solid career doesn't really matter to me right now. I should probably be biting my tongue when I say that, but I have just finished my first year as an undergrad, and I have faith that there will be plenty of methods of news delivery when I graduate. Journalism isn't dying, it's changing.

To be posted tomorrow, the last episode of my podcast on journalism students, featuring Hallie Mathia, a sophomore from Emerson college.

1 comment:

  1. Check out On the Media today. The discussion of iPhoneGate was interesting: http://www.onthemedia.org/
