I am finding more and more people tell me there is no future for journalism. My philosophy is that although newspapers may be on the downfall, the need for good, news reporting journalists, isn't. As I continue my journey of learning all there is about journalism and technology, I will post here.


Time goes by too fast

August really has a way of creeping up on you. I can't believe that I have less than 30 days before school starts back up again.

Anyways, with more than half the year over, it is time to reflect on those little New Year's resolutions I made. In a post titled "Some Goals," (original, I know), I wrote that I wanted to have a podcast posted on this blog, learn some HTML code, post pictures, learn more about video documentaries, share thoughts about new media, and get some followers.

Well, three of the six have been accomplished, so I guess I better get moving on learning the whole HTML thing and discover a bit more about video documentaries.

So, naturally, I googled "video documentary" and went straight to the infamously helpful eHow.com . Doesn't get much better than that (well, it does, but you have to start somewhere right?)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi!

    I'm the VP of Business Development at a burgeoning online media portal and we're looking for talented journalist with interests in Video Games, Film and Music, especially those with an interest in independent productions. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in being a part of, email me at paul@digitalhippos.com and check our our site!
