I am finding more and more people tell me there is no future for journalism. My philosophy is that although newspapers may be on the downfall, the need for good, news reporting journalists, isn't. As I continue my journey of learning all there is about journalism and technology, I will post here.


Those 18-22, start Tweeting now!

It is pretty clear now that Twitter is a social networking mecca. It gives businesses the opportunity to go viral and people the chance to connect via links, hashtags, and photos. 

But for college students especially, being on Twitter is essential. Sure Facebook is great. We all connect with one another, sharing laughs over the drunken pictures, and checking up on what old high school friends are up to. However, our Facebook profile is not what is going to help us network with potential employers or allow us to make a name for ourselves. If anything, those raunchy pictures and status updates could hurt our chances of getting a job after graduation, and in this economy, who needs that?

Even if you are someone who doesn't want to tweet often, just being on Twitter and checking your homepage will link you (literally) to information you might not have otherwise heard about. I am tired of hearing students criticize Twitter as this Facebook wanna be website. For those who think that way, you couldn't be more wrong. Stop your whining and read this list of the top reasons why all college age students should be tweeting:

1. Follow newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and television networks to get all your top news for the day, updated constantly.

2. Follow your school on Twitter and get to know all the new happenings around campus

3. Follow experts in your field of study and stay up to date on news within your career path

4. Get links to internship opportunities and job postings

5. Have the chance to communicate with other experts and professors on Twitter outside of the classroom

And most important, be ahead of the competition!